Another common name for the Anthurium besides Flamingo Flower is Red Peace Lily. The Anthurium pot plant and cut flower are very easy to look after, as they need very little attention to keep looking beautiful for a long time. Stunning plant that will add colour to any room. Anthuriums are native to tropical rainforests throughout central and South America, many Anthuriums are climbers in their natural settings. They love warmth and humidity. Keep the leaves clean and glossy by wiping them with a damp cloth to keep them dust free. Anthurium plants can tolerate all levels of indirect light, but anthuriums growing in low light will have fewer flowers and will grow slower. These plants cannot tolerate direct light however, as this can burn the leaves. It grows best in bright, indirect light. Water on a rugular basis but only when top layer of soil feels dry to the touch. Add liquid fertilser to water every 4th watering cycle.